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Episode Summary

This week is a whirlwind. We're in the middle of life and raising kids who are fearful of a lot of things wondering how to reassure them in way that is relevant and effective. Molly's also been musing about God wiping out entire people groups in the book of Judges and how that fits into the Bible as a whole. The punchline? Today is the day of salvation.

Episode Notes

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Episode Summary

We have to move the show record to later in the week due to scheduling this school season. So we mention that, talk about a homeschooled kid's first classroom experience, American Girl books on puberty, and MORE praying mantis info. Molly then dives into a deeper look at lament and how to counter that through community support using judo break fall analogies. We then talk discuss a convo about cast iron skillets on Telegram.

Episode Notes

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Episode Summary

We have to move the show record to later in the week due to scheduling this school season. So we mention that, talk about a homeschooled kid's first classroom experience, American Girl books on puberty, and MORE praying mantis info. Molly then dives into a deeper look at lament and how to counter that through community support using judo break fall analogies. We then talk discuss a convo about cast iron skillets on Telegram.

Episode Notes

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