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  • Writer's pictureJ.R.

Ep. 37: Training Hearts, Teaching Minds

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Episode Summary

Speaking of flushing, our toddler is potty training. The kids are watching more vet stuff and we discuss some statistics about the the inadequacy of Sunday School, the need for parents to train their kids and juke each other a couple times to boot.

Episode Notes

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Feb 11, 2021

@jhillner28 my pleasure! I may be overstating the case, but that's been my understanding since I started trying to really understand infant baptism. I had a pastor once tell one of my very young kids who wanted to try communion that it was like they were riding in a car right now - going to the same place, together - with mom and dad driving, but they're not yet old enough to drive safely. The equivalent was that being old enough to profess their own faith and take communion would be like them getting their driver's license.


Feb 11, 2021

@Molly Thanks so much for your lengthy reply. I enjoyed reading the article on creation. I never realized covenant theology (at least the version you explained) reached so deeply into the salvific process. Again, thank you for your time.


Feb 11, 2021

Hi! No worries about being terse - we're not big on beating around the bush :) We referred to Ken Ham as an extreme because, if I understand him correctly (and JR went to a number of his seminars and events growing up, so he is more familiar than I), he believes that a true Christian who believes in the inerrancy of God's Word can only hold a young earth creation position. I'd call myself an "earth-age agnostic" in that I don't strongly believe one way or another (a God-created World and historical Adam + Eve are some non-negotiable for me), but the church/denomination of which we are a part holds that leaders can believe+teach a handful of different positions…


Feb 10, 2021

Not to be overly terse, but I had a couple of questions from this podcast. I was unclear when you were talking about Ken Ham versus Bill Nye and called them both extremes. What is the moderate view and perhaps some helpful links to support your view? Also, when you were talking about singing "Jesus Loves me" to your kids were you referring to an age of accountability or just that fact that God does love your kids even before they profess faith in him (or even perhaps if they never profess faith)?

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