I’ve been contemplating sharing my weekly menu with the Internet world (all 15 of you who read my blog, anyway). I love food. I love cooking, I love thinking about different flavor combinations, I love shopping for food, and I love knowing that I am providing my family and friends with generally nutritious, flavorful meals.
However, I know that this is not the case for all of my friends, and so I wondered if people would find it helpful if I published my weekly meal plan on an occasional basis (I don’t know that I could promise to do it every week, but you could always go back into the archives to get inspiration from the past). Would anyone find this helpful? Let me know!
In the meantime, here’s what I’m planning to have my family eat this week:
Monday – elk steak kebabs (elk steak because that’s what I have in my freezer and it’s the ultimate organic, free range meat!, cut into cubes and marinated and then grilled on skewers), turmeric-garlic roasted sweet potato cubes and broccoli (I seriously can’t get enough of veggies roasted this way — I think I ate carrots like this three times last week!). I might also do some marinated tomatoes because I bought some fresh tomatoes and Costco the other day at Tito’s request.
Tuesday – crockpot chicken tacos. I am providing “take out” meals to a couple of families who are sick or have new babies, so I’m going to throw a bunch of chicken breasts in the crockpot with a few cans of Rotel and some taco seasoning (I will probably try to find a more precise recipe but that’s the general idea right now). I was going to make crockpot refried beans to go with them, but since my crockpot will be occupied, I’m just going to throw in some black beans with the chicken. We’ll eat these with corn tortillas, shredded cheese, sour cream, green onion slices, cilantro, and Pioneer Woman’s Restaurant Style salsa. I’m thinking of doing Pumpkin Pie Dip with apple slices for dessert, but I’d need to buy more apples first.
Wednesday – no meals; we eat dinner every Wednesday at church youth group (I think they are serving us gourmet grilled cheese, tomato soup and salad)
Thursday –salmon (seasoned simply with butter and lemon pepper), Thomas Keller’s baby leeks (this will be a new recipe to me), and probably some quinoa or rice pilaf as a side. I really like this quinoa recipe, and I haven’t made it for a while, so this might be it.
Friday – We normally have Happy Hour on Friday nights, when I do chips and salsa and a big pot of soup. I’m not sure if we’re going to do Happy Hour this week, but I’ll probably still do some soup. My mom brought me a recipe from an airline magazine for a beer-chipotle chili, so maybe I’ll give that a try. We also haven’t had split pea soup in a long time, and the weather is right for it, but I don’t know if Lili would eat it because she usually rejects mushy stuff. But, I might just have to give it a try sometime to see if her palate is changing. Either way, I’m not going to make another trip to the store, so I’ll just have to go with whatever I happen to have in my freezer/pantry for this meal.
So there you have it, my meal plan for the week!