Episode Summary
We're back after a week of fresh powder on the slopes and we pack a lot in. Molly's been pondering over the Shangai lockdown and how they require us to think about the spirit of the law vs. letter of the law, worshipping created thing over the creator and how Christianity calls for greater care of the creation. JR then sidebars about some tea he's been drinking and Molly caps off the conversation with a recap of a recent invitation to speak on the book of John and Jesus coming as light but the darkness not understanding.
Episode Notes
Lessons from the Upper Room: The Heart of the Savior - Sinclair B. Ferguson (Barnes and Noble) Audio/Video Sinclair Ferguson (Ligonier Ministries) "What's New About the New Commandment" - Chris Brauns (Website) The Time Jesus Acted Out a Parable of the Gospel for His Disciples - Justin Taylor (The Gospel Coalition) Pique Tea - Referral Link (Website) Too Busy to Flush Telegram Group Get $10 in Bitcoin! (Gemini App)