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Episode Summary

Molly kicks off the show with a recipe and the glories of a new simple syrup recipe. She then delves in a her recap of reading Carl Trueman's "The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution" and its revelation that we're all secretly Marxists. In natural TB2F fashion, it leads to Costco shopping habits, the Second Commandment and living with pain and how God hears us in a broken world.

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Episode Summary

We tried not to go there but ended up talking about toilet use internationally as prompted by our Telegram group. Brad Pitt wore a dress! This leads to a longer conversation about culturally appropriate gender expression and what it says when people don't follow the norm. Molly also has some more killer recipes to share and JR is off mic the whole episode SMH.

Episode Notes

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Episode Summary

Molly had a chance to catch up with some friends and heard about some crazy summers of purely survival! Pair this with the last week's conversation on Telegram about the opposite of fear, Molly and JR converse about how to thrive in stressful, anxious and fearful environments. Naturally, everything is illustrated by real life happenings in their world raising 4 kids.

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