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Ep. 26: Weeds of the Heart

Writer's picture: J.R.J.R.

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Episode Summary

Molly and JR dive right into battling Satan's very own weed in their yard and it's analogous relationship to sin in our hearts. Then they get electric as they discuss a Christian's response to COVID-19 regulations and being a part of the Church.

Episode Notes

Take A Spiritual Inventory - Rolf Meintjes, Pastor, Rocky Mountain Community Church, PCA: Respond to the following questions with: 1-10 (1 - not good , 10 - wonderful) 

  • I sense the presence of God’s spirit in me almost daily.

  • I have a clear sense of purpose in my life.

  • Frequently I spend time in solitude, reflecting on my faith.

  • I think I know my spiritual gifts and I’m using them.

  • My charitable giving is planned rather than random.

  • I nurture my relationship with God daily, through a focused time of prayer, silence, meditation, devotional reading, journaling, singing/listening to music, or other spiritual discipline.

  • I feel healthy and whole as a person.

  • I am regularly involved in directly helping the poor and/or disadvantaged.

  • I am disciplined in how I manage credit cards and debt.

  • I claim or have reclaimed a strong sense of my personal identity and worth.

  • Today, I know of no relationship where I owe an apology.

  • I live authentically, revealing to others who I really am and what really matters to me.

  • I readily forgive when I have conflict with others.

  • I have a strong belief that all I have belongs to God and I willingly share God’s blessings.

  • I take time to play, rest, and sometimes do nothing for a period of time, at least weekly.

  • I am addressing my particular, underlying faith issues.

  • I feel hopeful about life and the future.

  • I recognize that it is God’s spirit that heals me and makes me whole.

  • I am grateful for the experiences of my life as opportunities to grow in grace. 

  • I am growing in my love for the Lord and others during this global pandemic. 

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